Job Profile:      Accordion Tuner

Repair percussion, stringed, reed, or wind instruments. May specialize in one area, such as piano tuning.

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Adjust string tensions to tune instruments, using hand tools and electronic tuning devices.Disassemble instruments and parts for repair and adjustment.Inspect instruments to locate defects, and to determine their value or the level of restoration required.
Repair cracks in wood or metal instruments, using pinning wire, lathes, fillers, clamps, or soldering irons.Reassemble instruments following repair, using hand tools and power tools and glue, hair, yarn, resin, or clamps, and lubricate instruments as necessary.Compare instrument pitches with tuning tool pitches to tune instruments.
String instruments, and adjust trusses and bridges of instruments to obtain specified string tensions and heights.Repair or replace musical instrument parts and components, such as strings, bridges, felts, and keys, using hand and power tools.Polish instruments, using rags and polishing compounds, buffing wheels, or burnishing tools.
Shape old parts and replacement parts to improve tone or intonation, using hand tools, lathes, or soldering irons.Make wood replacement parts, using woodworking machines and hand tools.Mix and measure glue that will be used for instrument repair.
Align pads and keys on reed or wind instruments.Adjust felt hammers on pianos to increase tonal mellowness or brilliance, using sanding paddles, lacquer, or needles.Solder posts and parts to hold them in their proper places.
Remove dents and burrs from metal instruments, using mallets and burnishing tools.Wash metal instruments in lacquer-stripping and cyanide solutions to remove lacquer and tarnish.Test tubes and pickups in electronic amplifier units, and solder parts and connections as necessary.
Refinish instruments to protect and decorate them, using hand tools, buffing tools, and varnish.Deliver pianos to purchasers or to locations of their use.Cut out sections around cracks on percussion instruments to prevent cracks from advancing, using shears or grinding wheels.
Refinish and polish piano cabinets or cases to prepare them for sale.Solder or weld frames of mallet instruments and metal drum parts.Remove drumheads by removing tension rods with drum keys and cutting tools.
Assemble bars onto percussion instruments.Remove irregularities from tuning pins, strings, and hammers of pianos, using wood blocks or filing tools.Repair breaks in percussion instruments, such as drums and cymbals, using drill presses, power saws, glue, clamps, grinding wheels, or other hand tools.
Clean, sand, and paint parts of percussion instruments to maintain their condition.Replace xylophone bars and wheels.Strike wood, fiberglass, or metal bars of instruments, and use tuned blocks, stroboscopes, or electronic tuners to evaluate tones made by instruments.
Place rim hoops back onto drum shells to allow new drumheads to dry and become taut.Assemble and install new pipe organs and pianos in buildings.Cut new drumheads from animal skins, using scissors, and soak drumheads in water to make them pliable.
Stretch drumheads over rim hoops and tuck them around and under the hoops, using hand tucking tools.Remove material from bars of percussion instruments to obtain specified tones, using bandsaws, sanding machines, machine grinders, or hand files and scrapers.File metal reeds until their pitches correspond with standard tuning bar pitches.

Select Abilities
The ability to read and understand information and ideas presented in writing.The ability to communicate information and ideas in speaking so others will understand.The ability to communicate information and ideas in writing so others will understand.
The ability to come up with a number of ideas about a topic (the number of ideas is important, not their quality, correctness, or creativity).The ability to come up with unusual or clever ideas about a given topic or situation, or to develop creative ways to solve a problem.The ability to tell when something is wrong or is likely to go wrong. It does not involve solving the problem, only recognizing there is a problem.
The ability to apply general rules to specific problems to produce answers that make sense.The ability to combine pieces of information to form general rules or conclusions (includes finding a relationship among seemingly unrelated events).The ability to arrange things or actions in a certain order or pattern according to a specific rule or set of rules (e.g., patterns of numbers, letters, words, pictures, mathematical operations).
The ability to generate or use different sets of rules for combining or grouping things in different ways.The ability to choose the right mathematical methods or formulas to solve a problem.The ability to add, subtract, multiply, or divide quickly and correctly.
The ability to remember information such as words, numbers, pictures, and procedures.The ability to quickly make sense of, combine, and organize information into meaningful patterns.The ability to identify or detect a known pattern (a figure, object, word, or sound) that is hidden in other distracting material.
The ability to quickly and accurately compare similarities and differences among sets of letters, numbers, objects, pictures, or patterns. The things to be compared may be presented at the same time or one after the other. This ability also includes comparing a presented object with a remembered object.The ability to know your location in relation to the environment or to know where other objects are in relation to you.The ability to imagine how something will look after it is moved around or when its parts are moved or rearranged.
The ability to concentrate on a task over a period of time without being distracted.The ability to shift back and forth between two or more activities or sources of information (such as speech, sounds, touch, or other sources).The ability to keep your hand and arm steady while moving your arm or while holding your arm and hand in one position.
The ability to quickly move your hand, your hand together with your arm, or your two hands to grasp, manipulate, or assemble objects.The ability to make precisely coordinated movements of the fingers of one or both hands to grasp, manipulate, or assemble very small objects.The ability to quickly and repeatedly adjust the controls of a machine or a vehicle to exact positions.
The ability to coordinate two or more limbs (for example, two arms, two legs, or one leg and one arm) while sitting, standing, or lying down. It does not involve performing the activities while the whole body is in motion.The ability to choose quickly between two or more movements in response to two or more different signals (lights, sounds, pictures). It includes the speed with which the correct response is started with the hand, foot, or other body part.The ability to time your movements or the movement of a piece of equipment in anticipation of changes in the speed and/or direction of a moving object or scene.
The ability to quickly respond (with the hand, finger, or foot) to a signal (sound, light, picture) when it appears.The ability to make fast, simple, repeated movements of the fingers, hands, and wrists.The ability to quickly move the arms and legs.
The ability to exert maximum muscle force to lift, push, pull, or carry objects.The ability to use short bursts of muscle force to propel oneself (as in jumping or sprinting), or to throw an object.The ability to exert muscle force repeatedly or continuously over time. This involves muscular endurance and resistance to muscle fatigue.
The ability to use your abdominal and lower back muscles to support part of the body repeatedly or continuously over time without 'giving out' or fatiguing.The ability to exert yourself physically over long periods of time without getting winded or out of breath.The ability to bend, stretch, twist, or reach with your body, arms, and/or legs.
The ability to quickly and repeatedly bend, stretch, twist, or reach out with your body, arms, and/or legs.The ability to coordinate the movement of your arms, legs, and torso together when the whole body is in motion.The ability to keep or regain your body balance or stay upright when in an unstable position.
The ability to see details at close range (within a few feet of the observer).The ability to see details at a distance.The ability to match or detect differences between colors, including shades of color and brightness.
The ability to see under low light conditions.The ability to see objects or movement of objects to one's side when the eyes are looking ahead.The ability to judge which of several objects is closer or farther away from you, or to judge the distance between you and an object.
The ability to see objects in the presence of glare or bright lighting.The ability to detect or tell the differences between sounds that vary in pitch and loudness.The ability to focus on a single source of sound in the presence of other distracting sounds.
The ability to tell the direction from which a sound originated.The ability to identify and understand the speech of another person.The ability to speak clearly so others can understand you.

Select Tools
Adjustable C clampsAdjustable fret slotting sawsAgraffe removers
Air dusting gunsAir hosesAlcohol lamps
Alignment jigsAllen wrenchesAlligator forceps
ArborsArch punchesAutomated sprayers
Ball-end hex keysBand clampsBarrel reamers
Belt sandersBench anvilsBench blocks
Bench brushesBench grindersBench lathes
Bench motorsBench oilersBending irons
Blow torchesBlowpipesBore cleaning brushes
Bore toolsBracket hex wrenchesBrass mouthpiece brushes
Bridge pin hole slotting sawsBroachesBuffing machines
Bunsen burnersBurnishing ringsBushing inserters
Butane heatersButt plate insertersCalipers
Cam clampsCapstan regulatorsCapstan screw wrenches
Center pin punchesChain nose pliersChamfer tools
Chemical dip tanksClarinet pad leveling toolsCoil makers
Cold chiselsCountersinksCross lock tweezers
Cross-cut sawsCurved nose forcepsCurved nose pliers
Curved nose scissorsDamper regulatorsDamper rod hooks
Damper spoon bendersDeep throat C clampsDent hammers
Dent machinesDiagonal cuttersDial calipers
Die stocksDigital humidity gaugesDigital tuners
Disc sandersDolliesDrill gauges
Drill pressesDuck bill pliersEdging clamps
Electronic tunersEnd cut nippersEndpin jack wrenches
Feeler gauge holdersFeeler gaugesFelt cutters
Felt cutting knivesFile cleanersFingerboard band clamps
Fingerboard levelersFlange bushing reamersFlange screwdrivers
Flat nose pliersFluorescent lampsFlute body mandrels
Flute gaugesFlute head mandrelsFlute key leveling tools
Flute pad ironsFret dressing sticksFret end dressing files
Fret filesFret rockersFret slot depth gauges
Gauged sawsGlue brushesGlue guns
Glue potsGram tension gaugesGram weights
Grand piano jacksGrand screwdriversGripper truss rod wrenches
Guitar humidifiersHacksawsHammer angle gauges
Hammer angle protractorsHammer butt spacersHammer head borers
Hammer head reamersHammer shank reducersHammers
Hand burnishersHand drillsHand planers
Hand planesHand sprayersHart spring tools
Heat control unitsHeat gunsHeat staking tools
Height measurement gaugesHex driversIncandescent lamps
Inspection mirrorsJack screw regulatorsJack spring hole reamers
Japanese fret sawsJaw pliersKey bushing tighteners
Key button jigsKey dip blocksKey easing tools
Leak lightsLong flat nose pliersLooping machines
Lost motion regulatorsLoupesMag machines
Magnetic scribersMagnetizersMagnifiers
Music wire gaugesNeck jigsNeck relief gauges
Needle filesNut driversNut files
Nut slotting gaugesOilersOutput jack wrenches
Pad cup heatersPearl cutting sawsPencil magnets
Pencil torchesPiano key spacersPiano leveling devices
Piano regulatorsPiano stringing hooksPiano tuning pin cranks
Piano tuning pin extractorsPiano tuning pin punchesPin hole reamers
Pin visesPocket truss rod wrenchesPointed awls
Portable band sawsPost drilling jigsPower buffers
Power drillsPower sandersPrecision oilers
Precision spray gunsPunchesPunching lifters
Purfling cuttersRadius gaugesRat tail files
Razor filesRefret sawsRegulating gauges
Regulating screwdriversRip sawsRouters
RulersSaddle locating jigsSand blasters
Scissor jacksScraper burnishersScrew extractors
Screw gaugesScrew pitch thread gaugesScrew slotters
ScrewdriversSeam separation knivesSharp leveling and key-dip devices
Slotted screwdriversSocket reamersSoldering clamps
Soldering clipsSoldering ironsSoldering jigs
Soundhole clampsSpark lightersSpool clamps
Sprayer compressorsSpring cuttersSpring punches
String action gaugesString height gaugesString hooks
String liftersString spacing rulesSurface thermometers
Tap wrenchesTelescoping gaugesTelescoping magnetic pickup tools
Tenon expandersThread cutting toolsTinners snips
Tone hole cuttersTop deflection gaugesTorque wrenches
Torx driversTubing shrinkersTuning forks
Tuning hammersTuning leversTuning pin bushing punches
Tuning pin gaugesTuning pin settersTuning pins
Tuning wrenchesTweezersUnderstring radius gauges
Valve brushesValve lapping machinesValve mirrors
Violin clampsVise grip pliersWax spoons
Wire cuttersWire drill gaugesWood chisels

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